Volunteering with the Festival

Stats Taker
Stats Takers are always partnered with a Ticket Taker at the door of every session. They are responsible for marking down the types of tickets and passes people are using to enter the sessions.
They are free to stay for the session they are volunteering for if there is open seating.
Ticket Taker
Ticket Takers are always partnered with a Stats Taker at the door of every session. They are in charge of making sure people are using the correct passes and tickets to enter the session.
They are free to stay for the session they are volunteering for if there is open seating.

Our introducers ensure the smooth running of our reading sessions. They are in charge of introducing each presenter, read any announcements, help direct the Q&A, and ensure the time is used properly in the session.
Our registration volunteers are our "go to" people for the attendees during the festival. They assist attendees with locations of sessions, schedules and program, purchasing individual tickets or pass pick-up, passing out surveys and membership sales.

Our bookstore volunteers help ensure that the bookstore runs smoothly. They are in charge of transactions, switching the author name tags for the autograph sessions, and general customer service.
Nutrition Break
Nutrition Break is the perfect stop to refuel during the festival. The Nutrition Break volunteers are in charge of ensuring the table remains stocked and clean so all can enjoy.

Transportation volunteering is a great way to get involved.
Our transportation volunteers are who the presenters rely on to get to and from the airport.
The festival will provide the transportation vehicle.
If any of these volunteer positions are an interest to you, fill out a volunteer form by clicking the button below! We will reach out to you when we are planning our volunteer training sessions for you to come learn the ins and outs of your position.